How Often Should a Pool be Resurfaced?

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If you want to keep your pool in good condition, keep in mind that resurfacing is one of the more extensive repairs you may need to do to it. A Sun Valley Pools AZ pool service can help extend the life of your pool with regular maintenance and resurfacing. 

There’s nothing like relaxing in your home pool after a long day. This is the closest thing to a vacation you can get without leaving your house. Your pool is a great spot to unwind after a long day and spend quality time with loved ones. 

It’s a great way to spend time together as a family over the years and makes memories that will last a lifetime. Building a pool in your backyard is a certain way to boost your home’s resale price. Maintaining a backyard oasis that increases the value of your house is essential to maximizing its potential and extending the life of the fun it brings to you and your loved ones.

Keep reading to learn more.

What Does It Mean to Resurface a Pool?

To resurface a pool, often known as refinishing, is a common form of pool care that entails stripping away and rebuilding the pool’s outermost surface. You can catch pool resurfacing issues early if you keep up with regular maintenance checks throughout the year.

Not only may your pool be harmful to swim in because of unsightly stains and rough textures on the pool top, but the pool itself might be unsafe as well. It’s wise to remove the original surface before installing the new one, especially true of in-ground concrete pools coated with plaster, pebble, fiberglass, or even full tile.

A new layer of plaster or pebble requires the existing surface to be prepped. This can be done by chipping away at the old plaster, sandblasting and bond coating the surface, or hydro blasting the surface. 

Signs You Need to Resurface a Pool

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As soon as you see minor damage, it is time to resurface your pool. The entire pool, not just the surface, may be harmful due to discoloration and unevenness.

Here are 8 indicators that it’s time to resurface or replaster your pool:

Peeling Plaster

This is due to the aggressive nature of pool water that has persistently low PH or low calcium levels. The pool industry uses the term “spalling” to describe the process of plaster peeling away. It is beyond repair if the plaster on your pool has cracked or peeled. To fix this, you’ll need to resurface the pool using concrete.

Hard-to-Remove Stains

One of the first warning signs that your pool needs resurfacing is the appearance of stains on the surface that won’t go away. Small cracks and algae growth are only two examples of the problems that stains can hide.

Therefore, even seemingly minor spills need to be carefully monitored. They may indicate more serious issues to come. Using acid to remove the stains is possible, but you should proceed with utmost caution. If you damage your pool by doing this procedure, you will need to have to resurface it.

Rough Texture

Roughness in the floor is another telltale sign that pool resurfacing and repair are necessary. When the pool’s surface wears down, rough areas form. They develop when your pool water’s chemical balance is off, or its pH is off. So, this is an important matter that needs to be taken care of right away. This will help maintain a secure swimming environment at your pool.

Corroded Tile Grout

The tiled surfaces of swimming pools are incredibly long-lasting and can withstand time. They have the potential to outlast a pool plaster surface by up to three times longer than it would otherwise. However, the appearance of grout is a telltale indicator of aging, and if the tiles are not properly maintained, it can lead to surface corrosion.

Chalky Residue

The existence of a chalky residue on the surface of your swimming pool may be an indication that the surface is deteriorating. The foggy or chalky residues manifest themselves in the corners or edges of your pool. The very fact that they are there raises serious concerns. As a result, you should not delay getting in touch with pool builders Arizona which specializes in resurfacing pools.

”Spider Web” Cracks

Alterations in temperature have the potential to cause fractures on the surface of your swimming pool. The majority of the time, they look like cracks in eggshells or a spider’s web. However, cracks that are already present have the potential to get larger over time. These cracks can be repaired if proper maintenance is performed. But in some cases, the only way to get rid of them for good is to replaster the surface of your pool.

Larger Structural Cracks

Larger structural cracks are much more noticeable and difficult to miss than spider web cracks. This is because the cracks are inside your pool’s structure and not on the surface of the water. You need to do the Repair work as quickly as possible on any larger structural flaws. They have the potential to wreak irreparable harm to the entirety of your pool.

Sudden Drop In Water Level

A sudden dip in the water level is frequently one of the earliest warning signs that there is something wrong with the pool. It seems you might have a problem with a leak in your hands. Your pool’s leaks may be the result of worn plaster or faulty fixtures. In addition, there is a possibility that cracks in your pool could lead to leaks, which are not always simple to spot.

The surface of your pool may have cracks for a variety of reasons, the most common of which is a result of substandard pool construction. Because of this, you should consider working with professional Arizona pool builders who are familiar with the requirements for building a swimming pool that is both high-quality and durable.

A comprehensive look at the resurfacing procedure is provided below:

Step 1

Draining the pool is the first step in getting it ready for use by one of our skilled technicians. Pool resurfacing often necessitates licenses from the relevant authorities, and you should check with those in charge first to find out if you need them and where you may drain the old pool water.

Before moving on, make sure the pool is empty and completely dry. Be sure the lights in the pool are on and working. You should attach a yellow sign telling people to turn off the lights while the pool is empty. After that, disconnect the electricity from the pool.

Step 2 

In the second phase, a specialized Arizona pool builders team will clean the pool’s surface of debris or rust. Before proceeding, the homeowner should remove plants, pots, all patio furniture, and anything else in the pool area. The dirt, leaves, and debris in your pool are probably obvious. However, you should also check for rust stains, which you must remove before proceeding.

You will have to start over if there is even a trace of residue left behind. A pressure wash of the pool is recommended to get rid of any remaining stains or algae once the bulk of the trash has been removed. During this phase of the resurfacing process, the most dust and noise are produced. Thus we do our best to shield the area around your pool with coverings. 

Step 3

At this stage, professional masons and tile setters finish the outside. This stage will choose the ledger stone, tile coping, grout color, and any other decorative features. The installation could take anywhere from one to three business days to finish.

It’s best to begin painting at the deepest point and work your way to the surface, as the manufacturer recommends. Wait until the first layer is completely dry before adding a second. To guarantee a good bond between coatings, sand the pool between applications.

Step 4

To complete your pool now is the time to put down the surface finish you’ve chosen. After applying the finish material, your swimming pool will look completely different. The duration of this procedure ranges from one to two business days, depending on the type of material you choose. Priming the pool with the appropriate epoxy primer is necessary before applying the refinishing solution to most pool surfaces. 

The manufacturer’s recommendations should use the primer with proper safety gear such as goggles and a face mask worn to prevent exposure to potentially dangerous chemicals. Then, apply the primer all over the pool and wait for it to dry completely. Depending on the dimensions of your pool, this procedure should take anywhere from two to four hours.

Step 5

The sixth stage entails the application of an acid wash, if necessary. Some surfaces, such as darker Quartz, Hydrazzo, Beadcrete, or Pebble, must be acid washed before they can be protected. Once you’ve finished resurfacing your pool, you may start filling it with water.

Step 6

A swimming pool’s initial water treatment is the seventh step, and professionals should perform it. Professional pool services typically apply multiple Initial Water Treatment applications within the first week. After applying the last layer, it should not fill the pool back up immediately. Instead, most manufacturers suggest waiting five to seven days between applying coats of epoxy.

Afterward, you may give the pool a good cleaning and enjoy its new beauty. When refilling your pool, close attention to the curing process is essential to ensure uniform water quality. It’s crucial to do this if you want your pool to look nice all the time. This also increases the longevity of the surface material. 

What Happens if You Don’t Resurface Your Pool?

When a pool’s surface deteriorates to the point where resurfacing is necessary, homeowners should treat it no differently than any other element of the house. Over time, it will lead to a variety of aesthetic and health issues.

These issues include:

  • Consequences for Health

Cracked and corroded pools quickly become breeding grounds for germs, mold, and other forms of decay. There will be a proliferation of dangerous watery pathogens as a result of this;

  • Leaks

If the pool’s surface is broken, water will leak through the cracks and into the ground below. This will not only cause your water bill to skyrocket, but it can also cause structural damage to your house if you wet the ground surrounding the pool excessively;

  • Risked Safety

Damage to the feet is possible if the pool floor has any cracks or uneven spots. People standing about the pool or attempting to climb out of it are at risk if the pool’s edges or surrounding surfaces are worn and slippery.

  • Poor Aesthetics

It’s not appealing to look at a pool that has been damaged, blistered, or discolored. Furthermore, it gives off the vibe that its current owner used to be quite wealthy but is now struggling. Even worse, if your pool is in bad shape, potential buyers might not want to buy your home because they would have to fix it. This would make your home less valuable.

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When It’s Time to Get Help From the Experts?

The process of resurfacing and pool remodeling may be both lengthy and labor-intensive. In addition, aesthetics aren’t everything; not utilizing the correct materials, neglecting to fill in gaps, and not sandblasting between coats can all lead to issues.

Pool resurfacing also requires using numerous instruments that few do-it-yourselfers will have experience with. So it’s not just difficult to work, but it can also be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. 

All of these points suggest that you might want to think about getting some help from an expert. Sun Valley Pools AZ is here to assist you throughout the process. Contact us for a free estimate.

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