lionel arnoult

Meet Lionel Arnoult, our CEO.

Lionel is an enterprising business transformation leader with 30+ years of experience starting or developing businesses and properties, probing unused potential for existing businesses, identifying key market opportunities, fostering performance-driven operations, etc…

Recognized as a visionary, mentor, leader with a passion for excellence, he has led strategic insights, innovation, and forward-thinking strategies to manage projects in diverse sectors as Restaurant, Hospitality, Food light manufacture, Real estate development, construction, etc…

He Believes a business is only as successful as the individuals within it, he is acknowledged for knack in building B2B network, managing team operations, optimizing performance, and advancing organization’s vision and mission.

His initiatives as CEO of Sun Valley Pools LLC are to build more business networks and relationships to achieve high integrity, values that inspire self-development and Wealth growth through business acquisition.

Our Team

Zoran Mladenovski

Digital Marketing

Teresa Quarders 


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